National Seminar on Cereals

Higher School of Agronomy Mostaganem Martyr Mohamed el Amjed Ben

The Higher School of Mostaganem has just succeeded with brilliance its national seminar on the The problem of cereals in Algeria: between realities and prospects.

Everything began at 9:45 am, this Monday, December 5, 2022, when participants joined the conference room. A few minutes later, the national anthem resounds, then without delay, Dr. Bourmita, seminar leader, gives the floor to Professor Bouderoua Director of ESAM. The latter with a smiling air, welcomed the participants and honors his colleague the Rector of the University of Ain-Temouchent by bequeathing him the official opening of the seminar.

Pr Benkhelifa, moderator of the first session entitled “cereals in Algeria: Storage and consumption, recalled that the day of December 5 was not chosen at random, it is simply “World Soil Day” he announced.

The first plenary conference entitled “Cereal production: situation and prospects of seeds in Algeria” was the work of Professor Lotmani of the University of Mostaganem.

“The contribution to the modeling of wheat yield by the drought index (SPI) in some wilayas of northern Algeria” was the title of the intervention of Dr. Habibi of the University of Chlef.

Before the coffee break, the audience had the honor to follow 3 other interventions entitled “Irrigation of cereals” and “Impact of rainfall changes on cereal production in the wilaya of Mascara, Algeria” presented respectively by Mr. KRADIA of INSID-Relizane, Pr Bouderoua of ESAM and Mr. El-Habib of the university of Ain-Temouchent.

The session-2 entitled “Cereal growing in the south and north of Algeria” was moderated by Pr Lotmani and saw 6 interventions of which the first one “Knowing the cultivation practices of cereals and production logics in semi-arid environments, Performance and diversity” was animated by Pr BENNIOU of the University of Msila. Mrs. Galfout of ESAM followed him with her intervention on the theme “Research on the reticulated stripe of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in the Algerian North-West: Importance and morphology of the two forms of Pyrenophora teres Drechsler” afterwards Mr. Mimoun of INRA of Sidi-Bel-Abbes exposed “Which strategies of genetic improvement to adopt for the improvement of the yields of the cereal crop in the western semi-arid zone”.

The last two conferences entitled “Simulation of the impact of future climate change on the yield of rainfed durum wheat in the semi-arid Eastern High Plains of Algeria” and “Effects of no-till and conventional ploughing on the growth and development of soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the plateau of Mostaganem” were animated respectively by Dr. KOURATT from ESAM and Pr Benkhelifa from the University of Mostaganem.

Finally, the debate which lasted half an hour was animated by Pr Larid.

The seminar was closed by the director of ESAM and the rector of the univ-mosta Pr Yagoubi around 14h50. It was time to take a souvenir photo and lunch.

It is recalled that an agreement between the colleges of Adrar and El-oued on the one hand and ESAM on the other hand was signed by their respective directors.

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